Sunday, December 29, 2013

Rizalite Tektite Expedition and other found objects Dec. 1-30 2013

The last expedition at major archealogic site yielded fourteen impactite specimens dated around 750,000 years old in a radius of 15300 Rizal's off last cliff marker. Flanked by two fossilized clams, a piece of fossilized coral at the center , and a Technomarine fossil of a wristwatch lost at sea for approximately a decade or more ago. Completely intact, save for the strap, Technomarine Philippines may presumably service this watch as it just seems to only need a new of battery, being still watertight even with encrusted with coral concretion. (note time when it stopped, coincidentally approximately the same time it was found) and check the serial number to find out more about it and is a testament to Tecnomarine durability. "Is it a Fossil?", I was asked. "No, its a Technomarine working fossil amongst friends. Now, if only I could find the Don's Rolex and my Leathermann multi tool which went overboard a few years ago! Fat chance as it is just beyond the limit of nitrox or trimix. Shall need an ROV for that -plus its over many square kms. Lose some, find some as the saying goes. Watch Out! Affimative! Till the 2014 Rizalite Tektite expedition and other found objects.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Found Objects: Pre colonial Bronze Dagger Hilt

In pre- colonial times, a flourishing trade route already existed between these islands and China (Ming), Malaysia, Vietnam well as Arab and India resulting in artifacts such as this being accidentally discovered. A Found bronze fingerguard of a dagger, the blade of which has long been reclaimed by the sea Recovered in less than one atmosphere approximately 200 rizals off the sol. Scan incomplete therefore inconclusive, what attracted attention was a underground freshwater spring that has an outlet in the reef observable only during the lowest tide, essentially a freshwater spring in the sea.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rizalite Tektites

The last expedition July 26- 31 2013 approximately 24200 Rizals of strewnfield yeilded these. Planning to explore Northwest bones Island soon.

Rizalite Tektites and Au

Rizalite Tektites with 1879 Deutsches Reich 20 mark gold coin and  1788 Carol III DG Hispan. Etind. R. Auspices.Del.M.IN.UTvo.Felix Manila galleon trade gold coin. ANFS

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Planetary Defense

A shield paper on defending the Earth from Near Earth Objects
Asteriods and Meteors. Of course, the vast majority would be the last to know of such plans in the eventuality and will be affected the most but shall ponder the least. How about craft?

Monday, May 20, 2013

"Sarubanggi" by Dominic S. Rubio, oil on canvas ,1998 (early work)

Originally a song composed by Potenciano Gregorio in May, 1910. This ballad inspired many others in other forms, aside from music and a modern ethnocentric fusion version was made in 2001, if memory serves me internally. (?) The subject of Gregorio's composision was an overnight tryst, which became the inspiration for it in form of a poem, then a song, then a painting, and perhaps universally expressed and practiced by artists. Hehe! Naughty boys! ;) It was an Epiphany - he awoke next to the woman of his dreams.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Treasure Trash

Here's a great way to convert non biodegradable plastic trash as a resource into oil, reversing the process. Imagine how much plastic trash has permeated our planet (well, one may see for oneself) and what to do about it after coastal cleanups by volounteers. A sound idea that needs support by individuals instead of the government who's primary concern is how much the commission/ kickback they can make. (Go figure)
It costs less than a humvee!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gravity Map Mopup

Interpreting abstract paintings and understanding gravity mapping with an artistic eye and analytical scientific mind is akin to understanding resonanating electromagnetic frequencies of the earth and our body operating in micromotion sympathetically. Now, notice our corner of the earth and what does one see undersea from the underground?  tune in to the broadcast at the hydrogen frequency.. no "wow" moments!  Only "Gee"!  A part-tikcle test, so to speak.  Charged inductive coupling, indeed. ;)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Don Antonio

The second to last Don checking site over the titanium reef SE calatagan on sacred strong day.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Expedition: meteormaker

The last tektite hunt Feb12- 20 2013 and March 1 2013 at site 341 Rizals SE from W helipad yielded eight tektites in nine days. A personal Record breaking find to date. Well, I do suppose everyone had focused too much on DA2012 and apohis to miss that which hit Russia ( wish you guys gathering and analysing airburst fragments the best of luck!)-  right under our supposedly watchful eyes towards the heavens. The Blue Kahuna sunset rises as time gathers like collectors, shall collect us as well. At the very least can feel but not see until the last moments. In our lifetimes, we get to witness the strangest of times wherein all the arts and sciences become one. And of a great change in our understanding for our host planet. It would take an equivalent of four planets resources to sustain the current population if all were equal. Now to get on with mining asteroids by touatis!  Or like I, better yet let it fall from the goodness gracious heavens like manna, the only difference is an extra letter.

Kahit Hindi pantay- pantay ang tao'y nang isinilang pantay Pantay tayo'y mapaparoon kahit Iba't ibang landas at kulay ang ating munting buhay.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Antique Philippine buri hat

Buri hat, Bulusan volcano Sorsogon circa1970s. Buri is a very versatile natural fibre like abaca, hemp, nito , palapa, rattan, nipa, anahaw, sawali, Cogon and many others. Now its various oil based polymer strings otherwise known as plastic. Imagine what a beautiful world it was before without plastic trash. If one would make something it would ideally be both made to last and ultimately biodegradable. I doubt if there are hats that would remain in a thousand years but that's a dunce cap. :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Serpent and the upsidedown nanometer rainbow by Wolf Grossstiener, Vienna Austria

The far- fetched connection in this lunar year between bioengineered artistry, bioprospecting, a future display for next generation gadgets, a tribute to a deceased painter, harvesting amino protiens, and reverse zombinol for the future flu. These islands apparently were already producing natural penicillin before, and during the worldwide outbreak of Spanish influenza. This was before the development of synthetic antibiotics that have in turn produced resistant strains in microbes and viruses. Back to the garden as Crosby, Stills and Nash convey..

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Amsterdamn it!

Ahhh, back in humid warm weather! Feels great somewhat after the last sojuorn to the nether land where the nether regions feel it the most (upon the advice of a nephew's friend whom I caught many Christmases ago lighting up a "reefer" by the swimming pool before buffet was served, not knowing that in the future, it's now recommended for medical purposes in my battle with these cells run amok).  This year around I sheepishly told him my predicament after the looong speeches in my honor.. (damnit gee, I'm still alive!) and he laughed.. I could tell he was enjoying the unease at this twist of fate and told me since he became a chef, he now cooks for clients with the "munchies" often and would introduce me. No! I said, it would be embarrassing for me- a known party pooper and a grumpy old curmudgeon at that... and he suggested that I should visit instead this coffee shop since i would be in Europe for the new year. It was that- or go to the rocky mountains high where it is now legal for recreation as well as medical.. He reminded me (of all people ) in manila it's illegal and involves shady characters who swear that the flue curing barns are for ilocos tobacco only (in my opinion tobacco should be illegal). He recommended some DVDs for me to check out in preparation. I guess Cheech and Chong is passe now, apparently replaced by some delinquents called Harold and Kumar. I found the humor juvenile, but it explained a lot about my nephew and his friend's behavior.  Armed with my newfound insights, off I went with a two night gap in my europe itenerary for Amsterdam.

Upon arriving, the city of Amsterdam seemed like a step into an old familiar world with a new perspective. The bustling city modern with an old word charm built upon bones of countless Herring, with quaint windmills that pump water out of the lower than sea level city continuously,  houseboats docked along the canals along with floating docks and buildings. At the center are craft shops, the redlight district and the Grasshopper amongst the other so called coffee shops. Aha! This is it! I was greeted warmly, seated at a table and given a menu. I ordered a brewed coffee, a slice of cheesecake and browsed through the list of what they had to offer. Names like bubblegum, purple haze, artic frost, indigo red, etc... I spotted one curiously labeled called Awan datung, a sativa hybrid from Asia according to the young lady. Hmmmm. Sounds suspiciously familiar, and asked If it was available and could be prepared in a scone instead, as I quit smoking 20 odd years ago. She was happy to oblige and disappeared into the kitchen. Looking around I could'nt help but anthropologize the crowd that patronize this place. A young couple very much in love to my right speaking french, a British hooligan type in a italian fussball jersey looking subdued holding a cigar sized "blunt" joking with a Greek quaffing dortmunder, A middle aged group of artist types and a few solo aside from me reading books, twiddling with their devices, eating ice cream... then the proprietor appeared with a pretty box of freshly baked scones. I finished my cup, paid in cash (I certainly don't want that appearing on my credit card) and headed back to the hotel twenty seven Rizal's past the mermaid to the left. Hmmm.. the scones had a delicate flavour that conveys the feeling of the color green. I knew it was taking effect. Light and pleasant and rather relaxing. I decide to forego my pain medication as I feel fine. In fact I feel GREAT! No clouded mind and nausea as compared to these painkillers I found myself depending on since my diagnosis and no radioactive bombardment of rebel cells, destroying the body abiding cells at the same time. It is never too late to grow my hair long or rather what's left of it. I had several epiphanies on this journey. The medicine men and shamans knew all this before it became science after all,  I thought. Like the time I tried betel nut in my younger adventure years and literally climbed the mountain.

Ok. So I now find myself on the other side. I remember being chided by my nephew on the onset and he really had a good time laughing his way to kingdom come with my stories of my adventure on the phone, saying he really never expected me to turn out so cool, albeit a late Bloomer! I apologized for being so hard on him and for confiscating contraband countless times since he was a teenager, the last time which I flushed down the toilet which ended up clogging the Villa's drainage which cost me thousands of dollars in repairs to tear up the entire septic system! I should've kept it for myself in hindsight, he said. Therefore the title of this post. Amsterdammit!!!